Yeah, it’s not been my best day …
A less than stellar day at work does not need to be followed up by a phone call from my father, calling to berate me for not checking in on my grandparents as often as he would like. Yes, I know my grandfather had a rough time in the ICU after his heart attack & subsequent surgery, but I would appreciate a call to let me know when he’s home so I know when I call the hospital I won’t be trying to talk to a man with a tube shoved down his throat.
Yes, I should call more often …
No, I don’t need to hear it from a man who divorced my mother on less than stellar terms.
This rant could go a lot farther, but I don’t consider that healthy. I’ll call to check on my grandfather after I’ve cooled off. Despite not being that close to the man, I do look up to him and care about him.
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