Nice bathroom

The hotel near our office has been upgraded since I last stayed here four years ago. The bathrooms are much nicer than before … which is good, since I’ve been in my room all day with an upset stomach.

Was it the nice local seafood meal that did me in? Jet lag? Staying up into the late hours drinking with office mates? Well, one or more of those cause Saturday to turn into a sick day. Since I don’t have the other nasty symptoms associated with a hangover, I’ll take the jet lag combined with eagerly stuffing my gullet with a great assortment of local seafood. The stomach is recovering, and I’ll try not to abuse it tonight.

Aside from the twisted tummy last night was fun. It’s good to hang with folks from the home office, folks from the local office and their local pals. We’ll see how social Saturday gets … just as soon as I hit the 7-11 for a light carbonated beverage.



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4 responses to “Nice bathroom”

  1. Jilly Avatar

    I’m sorry you have a tummy ache. 🙁 Feel better and hope you can enjoy the rest of your trip!

  2. Asai Avatar

    your tummy got upset because it’s not used to the waters in taiwan… when i used to fly back and forth between atlanta and hong kong, i had to carry a bottle of water from where ever i came from, mix it up with the local water upon arrivng and drink that for a day or two so my tummy wouldn’t freak out… otherwise, the first thing i’d visit is the toilet…

    i miss 7elevens! have fun and have a coconut slurpee for me if they have any!

  3. Joyous Avatar

    Poor sick baby…there, there…

  4. C Avatar

    ..allow me to introduce a term popular in association with Taiwanese food:
    SISO = Spicy In Spicy Out. This concept is also often referred to as “spicy twice” 🙂

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