Category: NerdSteading
NerdSteading: We Break Things! Mostly On Purpose! (Workshop Demolition Part 1)
Filmed over Memorial Day Weekend (May 2020) Time to break some stuff! We know y’all watch renovation shows mostly to see people break things with sledgehammers, so this video is for you. None of that pesky “measuring and building” nonsense. Brian walks you through the first step in turning a questionable part of their Oregon…
NerdSteading: Chromecast My Barn
Originally posted June 30, 2020 Radio Shack meet Wi-Fi as Brian adds modern audio to an antique receiver in an old barn. It’s not posh, it’s functional nerd DIY. Join us for the NerdSteading journey! Subscribe to get the latest videos as we make mistakes and improvements at the latest release of the GeekFarm.
NerdSteading: We Bought a Tractor!
Originally published May 13, 2020 Yup, we bought a tractor for the GeekFarm. Find out why Brian picked this moment in time to purchase heavy equipment, how it will be used on the farm, rednecks around the world, and the fate of our friend Lensy. It’s not posh, it’s functional nerd DIY. Join us for…
NerdSteading: The Closet Office
Originally published Apr 9, 2020 Come inside as Brian shows you his work-from-home space. It’s got lights, toys, and maybe too much help from Google Home. Yeah, ok, fine… it’s another YouTube video on how to turn your closet into a desk. Brian wasn’t planning to make a video about this project, but in the…
NerdSteading: Welcome to the GeekFarm!
Originally published April 7, 2020 Brian welcomes you to the Pacific Northwest virtually. After moving in 2019, Brian and Suzan are ready to start improving their house and farm in Oregon’s wine country. It’s not posh, it’s functional nerd DIY. Check out the projects already underway, learn to fear the “scary murder cottage”, and find…