Category: Ranting Again

  • How AIG Will Fail By Not Paying Bonuses

    When you sweep aside the stupid policies and bad politics of the AIG bonuses, what’s left is a company unwilling to honor its agreement with employees. Would you want to work for a company like that in any economy? One AIG executive doesn’t, and he explains it very well.

  • There’s a button? For this?

    What does your car say about you? If it’s the new Porsche 911, it says you’re too lazy to put a new exhaust on your car if you want to sound like an attention whore.

  • Change you can’t file correctly

    I don’t know if this is the kind of change Obama had in mind when he nominated Tim “taxes are hard” Geithner as Treasury Secretary. Last week, a flurry of news reports noted Geithner’s comments about TurboTax. As background, he was grilled about failing to pay more than $34,000 in payroll taxes earlier this decade.

  • Swearing at Technology

    For someone in the technology business, there is nothing more disappointing that having your technology fail you when it’s needed the most.

  • Secret Ingredient: FAIL

    While checking up on Alton Brown, my favorite TV chef, I discovered the existence of the Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine video game for the Nintendo Wii. I also discovered videos & reviews that indicate the game isn’t very good. If they ever decide to try another version, I have a few ingredients to suggest…

  • Detroit: Fail City

    On the 75th anniversary of the repeal of prohibition, I think I have the solution to make American car manufacturing profitable again … have Congress make US car companies illegal. Yes, prohibition of US car companies might actually make them successful. Yes, I have the logic to back that statement up.