So, what can folks expect from Dragon*Con 2002?
Klingons … sure.
Vorlons … of course.
Stormtroopers … by the truckload.
But what’s missing from sci-fi? According to this panel description, there just aren’t enough gay people in space.
Friday, August 30, 2002 — 1:00 PM — TREK015
The Missing Minority
Gay characters are unavoidable on modern TV, yet noticeably absent on Star Trek, once lauded for its unprecedented inclusion of racial and ethnic minorities. Isn�t it about time for Trek to come out of the galactic closet?
1 Hour, Hong Kong/Cairo
I have no problem with gay characters, but Star Trek has had its gay moments. Example: the entire first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Let’s look at what we have …
1: A lot of men in really colorful outfits, complete with tight pants and easy access to zippers.
2: A tough female security officer with a short haircut (hello … Tasha was a butch lesbian).
3: A woman on the bridge who understands everybody’s feelings (is “fag hag” an appropriate term?).
4: Wesley Crusher.
ST: TNG Season One was about the gayest thing in sci-fi ever. Will and Grace in Space would still be a close second. But Star Trek still hit all sorts of gay themes … I do remember Riker having a relationship with an androgenous alien who experienced female yearnings that were taboo in her culture (and, if I remember, she was punished and brainwashed as a result of the relationship).
And you don’t think the Klingons aren’t gay? You think that many men in bondage outfits can fight, drink and sweat together without some sort of San Francisco thing happening? And if you think Lursa and B’Etor weren’t getting it on, you’ve got another thing coming honey.
Anyway, back to the D*C prep … I need to pack before heading to the convention.
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