Weekend Update

It’s been busy the past few days … busy but productive …

I finally got the low-voltage rough-in wiring (security, network, central vac, cable TV, phone, speakers) done on Friday. My friend John came back down from Seneca, SC to help me out. John’s an experienced security installer, so his help made the job easy … we were done before dark. He came back on Sunday to fix a few small things he forgot on Friday, plus to bring some parts we forgot to buy. The good news is that I have a 500 foot spool of unused structured cable I can return to Systems Depot (yes, more money for tile).

Saturday was the first Dragon*Con 2004 staff meeting, followed by the real TechOps meeting at RuSans (bonzai!). Dragon*ConTV is off to a good start … I have new staffers with video experience, and we have a giant pool of ideas for new videos.

Sunday morning was spent gathering footage for some Dragon*Con TV videos. My little Loganville farm is turning into a great shooting location … construction site, farm, city park. I have most of the footage for one commercial, several voice overs, plus one of our WDCN news stories. It looks like I need a new hard drive to handle all of the digital video I need to play with.

House pictures haven’t been updated since wiring doesn’t look very exciting. I should get insulation this week, plus drywall and some bricks very soon. New pictures will com every soon.




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