How many days till Dragon*Con? Only 16 … wow.
Yes, this blog has a lot of virtual dust gathering on it. I’ve been a busy boy at work, but Dragon*Con prep has been eating many of my brain cycles. It’s a lot of work, but it’s fun.
Here’s a summary of the Dragon*Con related stuff I’m into for 2009 …
- Dragon*ConTV, as usual, which is the work we do before the con to make sure people enjoy the con when … well, when the con isn’t actually happening. Videos run between panels and before major events. The con actually makes fun if itself and we keep doing it every year. Check it our at our website our the YouTube channel.
- WhatTheCast, the podcast I co-host and produce, is features on the Dragon*Con Podcasting track. We’re doing a live episode Sunday @ 10:00am … those are always fun.
- The Dragon*Con Late Show … it’s actually a morning show, but 9:00am is late at a sci-fi convention 🙂 It’s the official morning show of Dragon*Con, which I co-host with Stephen & Ally. It’s like news, but delivered by sleepy people.
- Helping promote Dragon*Con … this is actually fun, because it mostly involves appearing on podcasts I like. Check out The Unique Geek Podcast from August 17 or Slice of SciFi Voicemail Show #225.
- Videography Staff … the actual job I do at Dragon*Con. This means I’m a convention director who actually has to be responsible for stuff (sigh). My staff kicks ass at video, so my job is much easier thanks to their hard work recording as much of the con as will fit on tape & DVD.
It’s a blast working the convention, which is good because otherwise the hours of work put in would drive me nuts if it was a “just a job”.
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