2010, one photo at a time

I don’t tend to make resolutions at the beginning of a new year. This year, my camera(s) and I have a goal.

Jan 1st is an important day for me, but because of something very personal. Days mean things to me because of events, not based on how accountants tell time. Good thing too, because “In the Fifth Year of the Reign of His Lord, King Henry VIII of England” is a bitch to fit into a MySQL date field.

However, this year I have an odd challenge before me.

1/365: My newest ornament (on Flickr)
1/365: My newest ornament (on Flickr)

Suzan decided to join a Flickr group that encourages people to post one photo per day. This, of course, means she needs to take one photo per day. In some strange move of solidarity, I joined the same group.

Link: “365 days of 2010” on Flickr

Good thing I already had a picture from Jan 1st to throw into the pot. The Canon T1i, Panasonic Lumix and T-Mobile G1 will get a workout over the next 365 363 days.







2 responses to “2010, one photo at a time”

  1. Bill Ruhasm Avatar

    A lot of people seem to be doing that this year. I am planning to attempt a documentation of what I’m doing every day (or at least a slice of what I’m doing) via ye olde camera.

  2. Joyous Avatar

    Happy new year!

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