Category: Dragon*Con
Who Needs Sleep?
Despite life being good, I had trouble sleeping this weekend. Last night’s dream didn’t help at all.
From Con to Con
So I’m at IDF, waiting for the lights to come back on. Ain’t technology grand …
Weekend Update
It’s been busy the past few days … busy but productive …
Too Much Convention
Friday, September 13, 2002. 10:11AM. Somewhere between San Jose and Phoenix. I woke up at 6:30AM, coming out of the strangest dream …
Video Fu: Dragon*Con Parade
Here’s my video footage, complete with commentary, on the first annual Dragon*Con parade. Enjoy. dc2002parade_divx.avi (DiVX format, 28.5MB) dc2002parade.rm (RealVideo 9 format, 12.8MB) Note: I deleted the MPEG file and replaced it with some smaller options. I hope these work for everybody. You may need one or more of the following tools to properly view…
And now for something completely different … no wait, this is exactly the same!
Yes, this post is being made early in the morning for me. I don’t usually contemplate rising from bed before 7:00AM most mornings. I actually got to sleep at a reasonable hour for the first night since working tech at Dragon*Con. After awaking from some unremembered dream, I laid in bed and let random thoughts…