Category: Ranting Again
Exploding Genital Jihad, the TSA and You
Ever since one man decided he hates the US more than he loves his crotch, I’ve been sitting back and waiting for the stupidity of security theater to kick in as the TSA & DHS put more misguided policies in place to look busy while still missing the point about airline security. The Dutch, up…
When CO2 is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have CO2
I know it’s almost impossible to have a rational conversation about climate change these days, but it’s getting pretty silly when a naturally occurring gas that is required for human life is declared a hazardous substance by the EPA. Before people start the cycle of bombing me with comments claiming I’m some “insane climate change…
For $20 you can upgrade your … grade?
[Edit: it seems after this item made national news, the school board eliminated the fundraiser. The link to the news story reflects this change] It seems the school systems have taken a lesson from the airlines, allowing customers to pay a fee for a service that used to be part of the standard deal. Of…
Aporkcalypse Now
We, as a nation, seem to be losing our collective minds over swine flu … and it’s driving me batty. A politician never lets a good crisis go to waste, and pigfluenza (H1N1) is no exception. Pigfluenza is the new terrorism. I expect us to be waterboarding swine in tasty sauces. I like honey glazed…
Talking Taxes
There’s a lot of tea going around today … people with their mini “tea party” protests. It’s good that people are getting tired of the way government continues to grow, slowly weaving its way into parts of their lives that it probably shouldn’t be in. I just hope today’s public demonstrations actually get people thinking…
Junk Mail Fail
PROTIP: If you’re going to try and take someone’s money via a postal solicitation, try to make sure the proposal doesn’t look like a joke. Exhibit A: Cambridge Who’s Who.