Category: Ranting Again

  • Election: Coroner Politics?

    Yes, I voted this morning. I’m debating writing my pre-results discussion of what I think of each major party … or, in reality, why I disagree with all of them on serious levels and feel unhappy about the outcome no matter who wins. Until I make that post, I’d like to talk about an elected…

  • Taxes are what?

    Reason I’m a Libertarian #4,895 … morons like this: Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans. Yes Joe, I’m sure that’s what the British said about the stamp tax just before all those “patriots” dumped the tea into Boston…

  • Twitter did what?

    Looks like the fail whale has a fat wallet … CNET is reporting that Twitter bought Summize. For those of you that cocked their heads to the side and said “whut?” reading that sentence, I will explain further. Twitter is a neat microblogging service (140 character updates via the web, SMS and other methods). Twitter…

  • What Part of “No” Don’t You Understand

    My friend Stephen took the time to write some very clear & concise thoughts on the recent ruling against the Bush administration’s “enemy combatant” policy regarding Gitmo detainees … particularly the concept of holding them for extend periods of time without clear charges. My thoughts on the subject are bordering on the rantings of a…


    Report: OLPC may eventually switch from Linux to Windows XP (computerworld) What? Begin ranting in 5, 4, 3 …

  • Epic Legal Fail

    Thanks to Rachel for pointing out the stupidity inherent in the AT&T “High Speed Internet and Dial Terms of Service” document. See section 8.2: You agree to keep confidential all passwords, IP addresses, and computer names and are solely responsible for any liability or damages resulting from your failure to maintain that confidentiality. You are…