Category: Ranting Again

  • Obsolete? Me thinks not.

    Dear Mr. Scoble … thanks for making me feel old …

  • Tonight on “Duh”

    The story starts out like any technology story … “Research In Motion’s ubiquitous BlackBerry experienced a “critical severity outage” on Monday afternoon that left users stranded without wireless e-mail access, its maker said.” Then it turns into a Dilbert cartoon … “RIM notified its clients of the outage in an e-mail.” How do Blackberry users…

  • Ask your doctor if Stimulus is right for you If you haven’t heard, the economy is a little rough right now. Not as rough as one might be lead to believe watching the news, but bad enough that politicians want to look like they’re doing something useful.

  • Where Movies Go To Die

    Suzan and I went to see Charlie Wilson’s War last night … a fantastic movie. It has great dialog, good scenery and very solid acting. Yeah, a lot of naked women as well … but they’re actually contributing to the plot (the reader, she thinks I’m kidding). After spending a lot of holiday shopping time…

  • The last thing I want to hear …

    Yeah, it’s not been my best day …

  • It’s All Relative: Christmas Edition

    So let me get this straight … You dress up in a weird suit, put on a fake beard, talk in a funny voice and pretend to be someone else in a mall in December. You’re a normal part of the holiday season. This is accepted behavior. People are paid for this on a regular…