Category: Ranting Again
Obsolete? Me thinks not.
Dear Mr. Scoble … thanks for making me feel old …
Tonight on “Duh”
The story starts out like any technology story … “Research In Motion’s ubiquitous BlackBerry experienced a “critical severity outage” on Monday afternoon that left users stranded without wireless e-mail access, its maker said.” Then it turns into a Dilbert cartoon … “RIM notified its clients of the outage in an e-mail.” How do Blackberry users…
Ask your doctor if Stimulus is right for you If you haven’t heard, the economy is a little rough right now. Not as rough as one might be lead to believe watching the news, but bad enough that politicians want to look like they’re doing something useful.
Where Movies Go To Die
Suzan and I went to see Charlie Wilson’s War last night … a fantastic movie. It has great dialog, good scenery and very solid acting. Yeah, a lot of naked women as well … but they’re actually contributing to the plot (the reader, she thinks I’m kidding). After spending a lot of holiday shopping time…
The last thing I want to hear …
Yeah, it’s not been my best day …
It’s All Relative: Christmas Edition
So let me get this straight … You dress up in a weird suit, put on a fake beard, talk in a funny voice and pretend to be someone else in a mall in December. You’re a normal part of the holiday season. This is accepted behavior. People are paid for this on a regular…