Category: Work
NerdSteading: The Closet Office
Originally published Apr 9, 2020 Come inside as Brian shows you his work-from-home space. It’s got lights, toys, and maybe too much help from Google Home. Yeah, ok, fine… it’s another YouTube video on how to turn your closet into a desk. Brian wasn’t planning to make a video about this project, but in the…
When I Was Five #starwars #theforceawakens
When I was five, a toy robot changed my life. But the story isn’t about a toy.
Global Nerds
Ah nerds. We’re a worldwide phenomenon.
The Five People That Make Your Presentation Suck
Blaming PowerPoint for a bad presentation is like blaming the hammer for a poorly built roof (unless M.C. Hammer actually built your roof, in which case he’s not legit and should quit home improvement). Here are the five types of people that make professional presentation materials more confusing than directions from Apple Maps.
Pointless Pointing in PowerPoint
I’m collecting all of my presentation tips into a new section called “Talking Points”. Today I explore the connection between PowerPoint and TV news.
Life as a Telecommuter
Working from home has gotten a lot of attention in the news recently, especially since the CEO of Yahoo recently announced a policy to end telecommuting at the struggling Internet company. This hits home for me, especially since home is where I do most of my work. Hi, my name is Brian … and I’m…