Tag: epic

  • The Neon is Dead, Long Live the Neon!

    Well, it was bound to happen sometime. Our beloved 1998 Plymouth Neon, with a whopping 226,000 miles, decided to retire … on the side of the highway … with a smoking clutch. There will be a moment of silence before I call the tow truck …

  • The Three Photo Sequence

    I’ve put some of my video habit aside to work on photography, thanks to my new Canon Rebel T1i. On my last photo outing to the Little Five Points Halloween Parade, I captured a classic three photo sequence. This requires a little bit of explanation so you understand the source of the funny. Note: one…

  • Conversations with and about my immune system

    Having lived in my body for all of my life, I do tend to notice when it fails me. Sometimes I miss the small stuff like knee twinges and shoulder pain until they’re painful knee twinges and very painful shoulders, but other times I catch the minor symptoms before they get worse. Like the sore…

  • Adventures in Voting

    Now that Manic Monday and Super Tuesday have given way to Kryptonite Wednesday, I should retell my adventures voting in the presidential primary.