Tag: home
It’s easy to tell when I’m recovering from an illness … I have an urge to clean house.
Life as a Telecommuter
Working from home has gotten a lot of attention in the news recently, especially since the CEO of Yahoo recently announced a policy to end telecommuting at the struggling Internet company. This hits home for me, especially since home is where I do most of my work. Hi, my name is Brian … and I’m…
Backroads in the Modern Era
I love driving the backroads of North Carolina, even if they’re not entirely compatible with technology. Saturday gave me a chance to revisit the experience.
Money as an expression of time
Money can’t buy happiness, but you can use it to pay a woman to clean your house … and that’s close enough for me.
Bare Wood
The last twenty percent takes eighty percent of the time … it’s the story of my life.
Gainfully Unemployed
The past week has been a bit odd for me, since it’s the first time in 15 years that I’ve been unemployed. It’s a temporary condition until I start at Intel on Monday, but I have avoided being a slacker during my “week off”. The goal this week has been forward momentum, making as much…