Too Much Convention

Friday, September 13, 2002. 10:11AM.
Somewhere between San Jose and Phoenix.

I woke up at 6:30AM, coming out of the strangest dream …

I was in a conference room, about to take the podium to give my presentation. About a minute before the presentation was supposed to start, a man wearing a radio headset pulls me aside. He says that the show is running behind schedule and that there’s a band that is going on now. My presentation will be delayed until after their show. Then a large number of tech staffers start setting up the band, despite my protests …

The dream was a weird melding of Dragon*Con and IDF. I need to get my brain out of convention mode. I was having tech staff flashbacks at IDF, especially during booth teardown. Union workers would scurry past chattering on radios, moving rolls of tape or extension cords around the convention center. I had to remind myself that I was no longer wearing a radio.

So now I’m heading home, ready to drop out of convention mode … even if only for a little while. I still have plans to hit Japan in October (no specific date as of yet), and I may be coming back out to San Jose in early October for another conference (much smaller, less stressful, but still a trade show). Plus there’s the Microsoft trip in November … okay, I’ll stop now.

I need to get to work on my Shatner video fu. I have found that if I sit on videotape too long I never get around to editing it. The subjects I tape have a mental expiration date. I finally got a chance to view my April Taiwan/China video last week … and I only did that because my friend Alice wanted to see what the Forbidden Palace looked like.

Of course Alice and Suzan immediately started conspiring, but in a good way. Alice wants to travel, and she knows Suzan and I are planning future trips around my 2.1×10^5 frequent flyer miles. Hopefully Alice’s wanderlust will get my wife to finally apply for her passport (hint, hint).

Anyway, that trip lies somewhere in future … beyond the holidays, past the new home construction … unless somebody wants to take a long October weekend in Tokyo with me (hint, hint). Till then, I’ll be more than happy to put my feet back on home ground.




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