From Con to Con

So I’m at IDF, waiting for the lights to come back on. Ain’t technology grand …

After a long weekend of Dragon*ConTV & tech staff wackiness, I had to get on a plane and come to San Francisco for IDF. My talk is supposed to go on at 4:00PM … but the power in part of the Moscone Center went out about 2:30PM. Of course, it had to be the wing where my talk is supposed to be.

It’s a good thing my talk has nothing to do with high availability, always-on technology or reliability. That would be bad.

In an odd transition from Dragon*Con to IDF, I was on the train at the Atlanta Airport with author & Dragon*Con guest Peter David. He recognized me from the convention, so we talked for a bit. He was on the way to another sci-fi convention, I was on the way to IDF.

For me, it’s not too different … power issues, rooms full of geeks … just fewer costumes here.

Between these two conventions I have no real sense of a sane sleep schedule. Brian needs to take a nap, but the lights just came back on in the track rooms. Now Brian has to go & talk tech.




One response to “From Con to Con”

  1. Joyous Avatar

    Poor baby! I hope you’ll get a day or so off to recover when you get back.

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