Author: Brian Richardson

  • Ad Nausea

    When did marketing totally loose touch with reality? Wasn’t the idea of marketing to create a need or desire for a product? I see a lot of companies putting out silly ads that don’t persuade me to purchase their goods and services. All they end up doing is pissing me off. Here is the latest…

  • Pop-Up Video meets the Pop-Up Ad

    Remember VH1’s “Pop-Up Video” program? Well, VH1 has applied this technique to their show promotions … with less than ideal results. I was watching 100 Most Shocking Moments in Rock ‘N’ Roll on a lazy Saturday afternoon. Most every commercial break promoted the new show Strange Frequency, their attempt to merge rock with The Twilight…

  • Hello, my name is Britney

    Another one from the archives. Your favorite Pepsi saleswoman, Britney Spears, got an early start in telemarketing. I have the proof on my answering machine.

  • Fiction: Simon Barton

    Simon Barton woke to his own scream at 3:47 AM on a cool October Thursday. It’s been a few years since I wrote those words. I’m still amazed I managed to write a sci-fi short story, even though most readers think it should be in the “horror” section. Anyway, I’m reposting my first real attempt…

  • Classic: Play Some Skynnard, Man!

    Do you get the feeling I haven’t written anything new lately? This is another old one from webpages past … a newspaper article from 1995.

  • Classic: The Night The Dog Ate The Plumbing

    Yes, more “classic” web content from my past webpages. This is my wife’s experience with animal charity that went horribly, terribly wrong.