Author: Brian Richardson

  • Classic: When Trucks Meet Banks

    Another old classic from my past web pages (Spring 1999). This event was also featured on the Tard of the Month website, which chronicles bad drivers in Atlanta. So what happens when a tall vehicle goes under a short object? How sturdy are Ryder Trucks? Why do banks have that “low clearance” bar before you…

  • Home: Closing Time

    This is my first recorded experience with home ownership. The closing of my home purchase should have been an omen. I guess I’m one of those guys who ignores obvious signs of danger. This is a “classic” (i.e. old) piece from 1998.

  • Classic: Panicing User Virus

    As part of my great website adventure, I am moving content from my old website to’s Greymatter database. This classic (i.e. old) gem comes from 1998, when virus hoaxes ran wild like herds of buffalo in the Great American Southwest (pre-European invasion). The “Panicing User Virus” e-mail was one I composed in response to…

  • What now?

    So what does a guy do with a website these days? News for nerds … nope, that’s taken. Confusing screens packed with small frames of rapidly updated news items at high speed … damn, Headline News is doing that. Distributing homemade porn videos … if I knew that type of woman I wouldn’t spend that…

  • I hope this works

    If you can read this message, then Greymatter is working properly.