Category: Friends
25 Random Things
My friends have been spreading this “25 Random Things About Me” meme across the Internet, so I need to make the list before they bury me in Facebook requests.
Turkeymas Pre-Game Show
The turkey is in the fridge, the deviled eggs are made and the bucket is being washed. Yeah, looks like it’s time for Thanksgiving at the GeekFarm.
Hollywood Pics
I was in Hollywood with Trick over Memorial Day Weekend, helping him with the ManaNation video podcast. I also managed to be a tourist part of the time. While you wait for bloggy goodness from the trip, check out these photos.
Zachary Xavier Lanterman
Born April 4th to two people who have guaranteed their child will have either super powers or very high ranking in Google searches 🙂 I look forward to watching Zachary Xavier Lanterman grow into an absolutely cool human being.
The Assumption (George Hrab video)
Today’s video remix is brought to you by George Hrab, his song “The Assumption” and my ability to fill up little bits of free time with video projects … full story after the break. The non-flash version of the video is also available for download (Apple iPod/M4V).
JoCo meets Yahoo!
Months back I went to a Jonathan Coulton concert with several of my friends. I shot some footage at the concert that was used in a Yahoo! People of the Web video profiling Mr. Coulton’s music. Yahoo also used clips from Dragon*ConTV’s music video for Re Your Brains.